Sunday, June 1, 2014


Just came back from Taiwan few days back. Here to update my weekends!

Friday night: 

Friday night was spent celebrating my birthday with the secondary school clique at PODI. Food wasn't fantastic but its okay, the company made up for it. Off we went to Planet Jupiter for second round, an impromptu decision to me because it was their initial plan to go Zouk/Thai club after dinner but they didn't tell me so that explains my dressing. Felt super out of place in a maxi at such a place. Most of our first time at Jupiter and it was quite an eye-opening experience with hot girls onstage. Met a few familiar faces there and before I know it, I drank a little too much and KO. Almost couldn't go home because I forgot my keys and everyone was asleep at home. My brother hung up my calls so my friends had no choice but to wake my mum up :/ in the end, my parents were both awake and saw me in such an unglam state omg. Luckily, they didn't scold me the next day and we still had dinner together with Sean ^^

Last night, met Sean for dinner at my place and we went for a run together. Super long never run together because he's quite busy with army. So happy we managed to clock 5km but I almost died after not exercising at all for 11/12 days after our Taiwan trip. Felt super unfit, gonna start my running regime again! Met my friends again for impromptu supper at chomps and durian feast at yx's condo. First time stepping into his territory and it's quite a nice place to chill at night! No complains from the residents although the 8 of us were quite noisy throughout. 

Gonna bathe now and catch a movie with Sean later! Another impromptu plan, but the weekend is so far so good :)

P.S pardon the pixelated and different quality photos. Photos all taken randomly from Kl's Chua's and my phone.

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